Introduction to Agility

Are you unsure about which class to take at the Gas City Dog Club? The following is a comprehensive description of each type of class offered at our club. Ranging from basic obedience to specialized courses like agility or scent work, there's a lot for your dog to learn!

Important notes regarding all classes

Introduction to Agility


Tuesdays, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

Next Session: February 25 - April 1


Registration Fee - $140.00/6 weeks

Agility is an exciting sport that's great for exercise and can improve the bond between you and your dog. This class teaches the purpose and basic techniques of agility. Many people feel that their dogs would love to do agility; now is the time to find out! We hope you'll agree that agility is a great way to push the limits of your dog's athleticism, speed, and endurance.

Training Prerequisite:  Dogs must have completed an introductory obedience course, such as the Small or Large Breed Obedience class held at the club.  Handlers must be able to control their dogs.  Dogs must be at least 1 year old and be of sound body and have good joints and muscle tone.  Emphasis will be on control, safety and fun; this course isn't a contest or a race!

Lessons Covered:

  • Learning how to navigate a variety of basic obstacles, including high jumps, tire jump, weave poles, tunnels, pause table, A-Frame and the dog walk
  • Learning the proper way to enter and exit an obstacle
  • Progressing through shorter courses of less than ten obstacles
  • Staying tuned into the handler at all times, fostering a sense of teamwork and cooperation
  • Working in an environment with other dogs around
  • Developing the bond between handler and dog by working together toward a shared goal
  • Other areas are covered as well, with any questions answered.

Next Steps: Dogs who complete this course may enjoy Rally Obedience or the Intermediate Agility drop-in offered at the club.

Once registered and attending a class - please follow us on the Gas City Dog Club Facebook page to be aware of any class announcements!

Thank you! Your submission has been received!  Class registrants will be contacted by phone the week before classes start to confirm course details.
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Tuesdays, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

Next Session: February 25 - April 1

Pre-Registration Not Required

Registration Fee: $10.00/drop-in session or $100 for a12-session punch card

NOTE:  In order to provide the best possible experience for dog and handler, the Gas City Dog Club reserves the right to control the number of dogs present in the training room during the drop-in session.

Other Classes

Important Notes Regarding All Classes

The following points apply to all classes offered at the Gas City Dog Club.

For more information, please call (403) 528-DOGS(3647). You can also call Sterling Hinch at (403) 526-6779. Please leave a message if not answered right away.